Papagrande De Magico

Hello all, my name is Grande or, as I call myself, Papagrande. All of you insignificant fools won't last long. Why? Well, maybe I should... explain. To start it all off, like I said, I'm Papagrande De Magico, I was once a world known magician. All people loved me, but... those times are all long gone. That reason.... is because OF YOU BRATS! One stupid, insignificant girl... rose from her seat, and said one, ONE, word! S-She called me a phony, a PHONY! Hehehehehhahah! W-Well, she was right, I-I was a phony, a phony of being innocent. T-The manager, wasn't very happy with me... as I ran to WRING that stupid little girl's throat. H-He took me backstage, and fired me.... I made such a mess. His blood drenched the wood flooring and the rest of my fans fled from the stage. I felt so wonderful as I touched my face, the blood running down my face made me so........ happy.
Sadly, what I did backfired.... i-it made them shut down my stage. I felt.... AMAZING! My sanity vanished and all I could see was the blood shed of everybody, everybody who was dumb enough to come to my stage. I have to laugh at you all, you all are so very.... interesting.. hehe. Mostly one little brat and his sister, his runt of a friend gave them a message about my stage, I captured her, and she kicked and screamed, trying to break out of my grasp. I then waited for my next prey, when that dumbass kid came with his sister, I felt my mouth water, dreaming of what I could do to them. I made the sister get separated from her brother, and attempted to lure her to me. But, that little brat was smart! She ran from me and hid, it took awhile for me to find her, but the sound of a boy's voice caught my attention.
I knew that my next prey was in sight, I found the boy and his sister, and knocked them out cold. What happened next... is for you to see, because I will show you personally myself! I will happily saw you in half, rip your guts out, and happily plunge a knife into your eyeball, slowly ripping it out, the sounds of your screams invading the air. That is the music to my ears, and it warms my heart... hehe. N-Now, may I ask? Wanna see a magic trick you little shit?! Hehehehehhehehahhahahahahha!